+421244450647 (Hotel)

+421244257106 (Hostel)

Accommodation hostel

Hostel PRIM offers accommodation in clean 2+3 accommodation units.

The cell always consists of a 2-bed and 3-bed room with TV and air conditioning, which have a sink, shared shower, toilet and refrigerator.

The accommodation is suitable for working groups for short and long-term accommodation. We try to accommodate you with accommodation options. For more information, contact the reception of the Hotel and Hostel PRIM

Parking in the hotel area
Free Wi-Fi internet connection
2-bed and 3-bed rooms with TV and air conditioning
Non-smoking rooms
Hotel and Hostel PRIM operator:
Meba,spol. s r.o.
Stará Vajnorská 37
831 04 Bratislava
IČO: 35710411
DIČ: 2020267128
IČ DPH: SK2020267128